Post Category: Resources

Book Recommendations: American Immigrant Stories

Book Recommendations: American Immigrant Stories

Book Recommendations: American Immigrant Stories -  Crossing between cultures is an experience of deep, lasting change. Life in a new country (or sometimes, even in a new part of the same country) can bring all kinds of differences and opportunities, both expected and...

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American English Vowel Sounds

American English Vowel Sounds

American English Vowel Sounds: American English has a large number of vowel sounds: around 20 of them! This set of sounds changes in different parts of the United States; some sounds are more popular in the Western U.S. and some are more popular in the Eastern....

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Resources for Vocabulary Building

Resources for Vocabulary Building

Resources for Vocabulary Building -  These are some of my resource picks for students who want to focus on building vocabulary. I've used all of them in the classroom with great results. Whether you are beginner or advanced, young or old, there is something here for...

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Pronunciation and Grammar Resources

Pronunciation and Grammar Resources

Pronunciation and Grammar Resources -  Pronunciation and Grammar can be a very useful combination for English Language Learners. Whether you are learning English on your own or you are working with an instructor, you'll find  a few of my top resources for working on...

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Vocabulary and Grammar Resources

Vocabulary and Grammar Resources

Vocabulary and Grammar Resources -  Here are a few great resources for building vocabulary and English grammar skills:Grammar Resource:Top Pick: Grammar in Use (American English) by Raymond Murphy (available on Amazon) English Grammar in Use has been a key resource...

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