Pronunciation and Grammar Resources

Pronunciation and Grammar Resources

Pronunciation and Grammar Resources –  Pronunciation and Grammar can be a very useful combination for English Language Learners. Whether you are learning English on your own or you are working with an instructor, you’ll find  a few of my top resources for...
3 Steps to Reduce the Risk of Cyber Kidnapping

3 Steps to Reduce the Risk of Cyber Kidnapping

3 Steps to Reduce the Risk of Cyber Kidnapping: On December 28, Chinese exchange student Kai Zhuang ran away from his host family out into the cold wilderness of Utah state. He told no one where he was going or the frightening reason why: Zhuang was being threatened...
The History of New Year’s Resolutions

The History of New Year’s Resolutions

The History of New Year’s Resolutions: Each year as the calendar turns from December to January, people around the world take time to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter and the promise of a fresh start. One of the oldest traditions of welcoming the new year is...
4 Steps to Confident Conversations

4 Steps to Confident Conversations

4 Steps to Confident Conversations – It happens quickly: At a small gathering of people, you suddenly find yourself face-to-face with someone you’ve never met. You smile awkwardly for a moment, wondering if you should try to start a conversation or simply...
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